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Steve Phillipson (v), Russell Bayne (g), David Schofield (b), Herman Kovacic (d), Mark Priest (k)
24 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
25 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
01 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
02 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
08 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
09 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
15 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
16 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
22 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
23 East Maitland NSW - Sebastians Disco
06 Newcastle NSW - Industrial YMCA in the Gym, Havelock Street Mayfield
12 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, School of Arts Building 140-142 Hunter Street
19 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
20 Newcastle NSW - 'Teen Village' Transport Hall Hamilton
26 Newcastle NSW - Beresfield Community Hall
27 Newcastle NSW - Westlakes Dance Toronto YMCA
02 Newcastle NSW - St Laurence O’Toole Hall, Broadmeadow
03 Newcastle NSW – Newcastle Police Boys Club
09 Newcastle NSW – Boolaroo Community Hall
16 Kurri Kurri NSW – Windmill Disco, Old Ambulance Hall Kurri Kurri
17 Newcastle NSW – Adamstown Presbyterian Hall
21 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio’s, 140-142 Hunter Street
22 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio’s, 140-142 Hunter Street
23 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio’s, 140-142 Hunter Street
24 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio’s, 140-142 Hunter Street
25 Newcastle NSW - Broadmeadow Bowl, Newcastle Battle of the Bands (Won by Velvet Underground)
28 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio’s, 140-142 Hunter Street
29 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio’s, 140-142 Hunter Street
01 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
02 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
06 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
07 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
08 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
09 Newcastle NSW - West Lakes Dance, Toronto YMCA
15 Newcastle NSW - Boolaroo Community Hall
16 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall w/ Midnight Soul
22 Newcastle NSW - Newcastle Police Boys Club
23 Maitland NSW - St. Lukes Hall Telarah
29 Kurri Kurri NSW - Windmill Disco, Old Ambulance Hall
30 Newcastle NSW - St. Laurence O'Toole Hall Broadmeadow w/ Midnight Soul
05 Newcastle NSW - Boolaroo Community Hall
06 Newcastle NSW - Adamstown Presbyterian Hall
12 Good Friday Easter Holiday
13 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall w/ Midnight Soul
17 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
18 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
19 Kurri Kurri NSW - Windmill Disco, Old Ambulance Hall
19 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street
20 Newcastle NSW - Wallsend Fellowship Hall
20 Newcastle NSW - Pinocchio's, 140-142 Hunter Street (closing night) (late) (last show with Russell Bayne)
Steve Phillipson, Herman Kovacic, David Schofield, Mark Priest, Les Hall
26 Newcastle NSW - Beresfield Community Hall (First show with Les Hall)
27 Newcastle NSW - St. Laurence O'Toole Hall Broadmeadow w/ Midnight Soul
02 Cessnock NSW - Cessnock Town Hall (Cessnock High School Dance)
03 Newcastle NSW - Union Club, Newcastle Tech College, Tighes Hill
04 Newcastle NSW - West Lakes Dance, Toronto YMCA
10 Newcastle NSW - Boolaroo Community Hall
11 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
17 Newcastle NSW - Beresfield Community Hall
18 Newcastle NSW - Teen Village, Transport Hall Hamilton
24 Newcastle NSW - Brindley Jones Disco
25 Maitland NSW - St. Lukes Hall Telarah
01 Newcastle NSW - Adamstown Presbyterian Hall
07 Newcastle NSW - Newcastle Police Boys Club
08 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
15 Newcastle NSW - Newcastle City Hall - Hoadley’s Battle of the Sounds (afternoon) placed 2nd
15 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
22 Newcastle NSW – Belmont North Community Hall
26 Taree NSW - St Mary’s Hall - Hoadleys Battle of the Sounds placed 1st
29 Newcastle NSW - Civic Wintergarden - Hoadley’s Battle of the Sounds Zone Final (afternoon)
29 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
05 Newcastle NSW - Charlestown Community Hall, Newcastle NSW
06 Newcastle NSW - St. Laurence O'Toole Hall Broadmeadow
13 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
20 Newcastle NSW - Wallsend Fellowship House (last show with David Schofield)
Steve Phillipson, Herman Kovacic, Mark Priest, Les Hall, Mick Garvie
26 Newcastle NSW - Wallsend Fellowship House (first show with Mick Garvie on Bass)
27 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
28 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge w/ Purple Haze
02 Newcastle NSW - Boolaroo Community Hall
03 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall w/ Dave Miller Set
04 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge w/ Purple Haze
09 Newcastle NSW - Charlestown Community Hall
10 Newcastle NSW - West Lakes Dance Toronto YMCA
11 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge
16 Newcastle NSW - Beresfield Community Hall
17 Newcastle NSW - Civic Wintergarden - 2HD Regional Final of Hoadley’s Battle of the Sounds (Afternoon)
17 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
18 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge
21 Newcastle NSW – Broadmeadow High School (end of term dance)
22 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall w/ Psychle (School dance)
23 Newcastle NSW – West Wallsend High School (end of term dance)
24 Newcastle NSW - Henry Mousetraps, Civic Wintergarden
25 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge
30 Cessnock NSW - Cessnock Town Hall
31 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall w/ Dave Miller Set
01 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge
13 Newcastle NSW - Charlestown Community Hall
14 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
18 Newcastle NSW - Bus Stop Disco w/ Psychle
20 Newcastle NSW - Union Club, Newcastle Technical College, Tighes Hill
21 Newcastle NSW - St. Laurence O’Toole Hall Broadmeadow
25 Newcastle NSW - Bus Stop Disco w/ Psychle
27 Newcastle NSW - Beresfield Community Hall
28 Newcastle NSW - Adamstown Presbyterian Hall
29 East Maitland NSW - Sound Lounge (last show with Mick Garvie)
Steve Phillipson, Herman Kovacic, Mark Priest, Les Hall, Stephen Crothers
02 Newcastle NSW - Bus Stop Disco w/ Psychle
05 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall w/ Jonne Sands, Influence of Cecil Rhodes
08 Tamworth NSW - Town Hall w/ Groove, Finx, Impulse
09 Newcastle NSW - Bus Stop w/ Groove, Psychle
10 Cessnock NSW - Cessnock Town Hall w/ Groove, Psychle, Bobby Taylor & the Impacts, Midnight Soul
12 Brisbane QLD – Cloudland, Fortitude Valley w/ Jonne Sands and the State Express
15 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
16 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
17 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
18 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane w/ In Crowd, Einstein Theory
19 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane w/ Jon Blanchefield
22 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
23 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
24 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
25 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane w/ The Light, Living End
26 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane w/ Dave Miller Set
28 Ipswich QLD – Teen Scene w/ Normie Rowe, State Express, Matthew & Sons, Capitol Showband
29 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
30 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
31 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
01 Brisbane QLD - St Thomas Hall, Camp Hill
01 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
02 Brisbane QLD - YMCA Hall, Windsor
02 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
05 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
06 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
07 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
08 Brisbane QLD - Cloudland, Fortitude Valley
08 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
09 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
10 Brisbane QLD - The Swinging Shillelagh w/ National Reps
12 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
13 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
14 Brisbane QLD - Prinz Alfreds, Adelaide Street Brisbane
15 Toowoomba QLD - Julius Caesars w/ Sir Jeffry's People
16 Toowoomba QLD - JBs Cabaret (early)
16 Ipswich QLD - Teen Scene w/ Matthew & Sons Capitol Showband, Wayne Roberts (late)
22 Newcastle NSW - Beresfield Community Hall
23 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
29 Toukley NSW - Beachcomber Hotel
30 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
04 Newcastle NSW - Bus Stop Disco
05 Newcastle NSW - Bus Stop Disco
06 Newcastle NSW – ‘Foco’ - Cnr King and Steel Street Newcastle
07 Wollongong NSW - Wonderland, Corrimal w/ Plastic Tears
08 East Maitland - Snoopy’s Disco
12 Newcastle NSW – Francis Greenaway High School
13 Wollongong NSW - Wonderland, Corrimal w/ Simon Suade
14 Wollongong NSW - Wonderland, Corrimal w/ Downtown Roll Band
15 Wollongong NSW - Wonderland, Corrimal w/ Simon Suade
20 Wollongong NSW - Wonderland, Corrimal
21 Newcastle NSW - Belmont North Community Hall
29 Wollongong NSW - Wonderland, Corrimal w/ Kaleidescope